Proficiency Tests

Since 2019, ITAK has been accredited by the General Coordination of Accreditation of Inmetro (CGCRE) under number PEP-0021, according to the requirements established in ISO/IEC 17043:2011.

ITAK is accredited for the following scope:

  1. Iron Ore
  2. Gold Ore
  3. Copper Ore and Concentrates
  4. Nickel Ore
  5. Ferroniobium Alloy
  6. Silver Analysis
  7. Bauxite
  8. Phosphate Rock and Phosphate Concentrate


You can find the full scope of accredited Proficiency Testing by visiting:

Proficiency Tests are services aimed at evaluating the performance of calibration and testing laboratories through interlaboratory comparisons. Participation in a proficiency test is one of the most efficient ways to assess a laboratory’s technical competence, enabling comparison with other laboratories in the same field, essentially facilitating benchmarking.

Broadly, participation in a proficiency test allows a laboratory to:

  • Continuously evaluate and monitor its performance;
  • Provide evidence or confirmation of reliable result attainment;
  • Identify problems/errors related to the conducted tests/analyses;
  • Undertake corrective and preventive actions, and evaluate the laboratory’s internal controls;
  • Determine performance characteristics, validate methods;
  • Standardize/adapt methodologies to market needs and achieve national and international recognition of results;


Proficiency tests are crucial for increasing the credibility of measurement results, thereby contributing to the improvement of international trade and the prevention of technical barriers. The proficiency tests offered by ITAK are globally accepted, with current participation from companies in over 60 countries.

ITAK has been developing Proficiency Tests since 2008 and currently has software developed for the management of its proficiency tests, facilitating communication with participants, as well as access to sample tracking, instructions, result reporting, reports, and participation certificates.